How can insight help you?

Our previous experience of working with LEPs and the Chamber of Commerce translates into knowledge of the drivers, targets and challenges you face and how they can be investigated and measured.

Customer satisfaction reviews: qualitative and/or quantitative assessments of customer satisfaction can reveal areas for review.

External stakeholder perceptions: qualitative and quantitative research with external stakeholders such as customers, business contacts, recruiters, suppliers and the media and help you to understand what the gaps are between the internal and external perceptions of your organisation, and how to address them.

Services review: customer feedback highlights any service quality issues in organisations. dh insight can help you determine what is important, what is being adequately provided, and what gaps need to be bridged.

Staff insight: consultations with staff to investigate internal issues, such as the gender pay gap, communication and reporting structures and staff satisfaction.

Public events and festivals: review their content and appeal and appraise your communication materials.