How can insight help your healthcare organisation?
From scoping research for social marketing campaigns to impact evaluations for pilot projects, dh insight has the experience to provide NHS and health-related clients with relevant and insightful research findings. Examples of the type of projects we can conduct for NHS and Health-related clients include:
Stakeholder satisfaction: qualitative and quantitative research with your internal and external stakeholders for review and auditing purposes. This can be extensive or focused.
Online polling: provision of an external and objective platform for the collection of stakeholder views and/or votes, and the subsequent analysis and reporting of results.
Service user evaluation: face-to-face and in-depth telephone interviews with service users to explore their experiences of accessing health initiatives.
Social marketing scoping study: individual, paired and friendship interviews with target groups for public health initiatives. Typical applications include salt intake reduction and lowering of rates of smoking in specific wards of a city.
Strategy review perceptions: executive interviews with senior management to explore potential policy implications.
Partnership working evaluation: in-depth interviews with steering committee members for pilot schemes to evaluate the working partnership between different stakeholder groups.
Analytical services: analysis of secondary and primary research findings for the purpose of objective external review. We also provide services such as the amalgamation of databases from merging organisations.