Matt Dunn is the director and principal consultant for dh insight ltd.
Before setting up dh insight in 2007, Matt worked as a Senior Consultant for an education market research agency and prior to that at the University of Derby, the Open University and in the private business sector. Having worked on both the agency and client side, his focus has always been on providing the evidence necessary for decision-making in a reader-friendly format.
He has led market research and consultancy projects since 2000. He has worked with numerous UK universities as well as other education providers and agencies, the NHS, local government, business networks (such as the Chamber of Commerce) and private companies.
Matt has considerable experience in stakeholder research and customer insight investigations, frequently applying the findings to identity improvement strategies. He is a specialist in the investigation of consumer behaviour, brand testing, competitor profiling, communications audits and reviews, new product and scenario testing.
He is an accomplished primary and secondary data researcher and has a proven track record in delivering actionable consultancy and research reports. He has extensive experience of both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies in the public and corporate sectors. He is an accomplished interviewer and facilitator and is adept at e-survey design and analysis.
His skills are underpinned by a background in social psychological research and theory; an interest that led to his employment as a tutor for the Open University and accreditation as a university lecturer by the Higher Education Academy. He is currently a part-time lecturer on Marketing and Management undergraduate programmes at Nottingham Trent University and a tutor and mentor for MBA students on the online programme.
Matt is a graduate of Nottingham Trent University and graduated from the University of Nottingham’s Executive MBA programme in 2015. He is an Associate Member of the Market Research Society, AMBA, the British Psychological Society and the Higher Education Academy.